Research and Visualize

A complex subject needs sophisticated research but also an intense focus on visual explanations.
This time the visual metaphor of a hot-air balloon race seemed to convey both the compeitive effort to "rise quickly" and catch the wind to success.
A touch of humor in the comparison also helped to reinforce the precariousness of the analysis and effort to predict the future.
In product strategy I look for opportunities to combine rigorously researched, objective data, with the social, personal, and emotional realities that drive human experience and decisions.
Data and the apps that generate and collect it are inherently biased. They carry both the intentional biases and goals of the designers, but also the institutional, unconscious, and socio-economic biases present in their environment.
Data strategy calls for constant vigilance for bias and the application of statistical and procedural methods to reduce the impact of bais. It also requires an understanding of cognitive bias and how the human mind forms judgements around what is real and what is important.
Data strategy is both a design and engineering problem with an eye for what is expected at the end: An insight, visualization, or a well-trained bot that behaves as expected. 
About the research approach

1. A general study of public claims by startups and known innovators was made, highlighting common themes and looking for indicators of underlying technical approach.

2. We asked engineering leadership to comment on their knowledge of the maturity of said technologies and the ease with which they could be applied to a few common problems

3. Using objective, quantitative surveys, we asked the entire technical staff of the company to "score" combinations of tech and application scenario, using methods of self-rating and expertise measurement to weight the feedback.

4. The result was a "fitness test" combining both a company-wide send of potential as well as predicted technical and process risks.

5. Finally, this was cross-matrixed with a confident estimate of overall industry market capitalization and the ratio of liquidity of these assets being an indicator of some flexiblity on one side to entropy and disruptability on the other side of the scale.

The Result

A multidemensional bubble chart built in Tableau captured the core elements of the "balloon race" metaphor. The other tabs can provide more familiar metaphors and a peek into the underlying data.